Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Day Two

Theme song of the day:Titanium David Guetta featuring Sia

     This is a great song, quite possibly my theme song.  I have been through so much in life so much more than I am willing to share in a public form.  I will tell you this, when I was 7 I was a girl scout... but not just any girl that saved my family in a burning house that was caused by my mom heating up a pot of oil on the stove then passing out high (im sure) on pain killers.  I saved 3 lives that night.  My Moms, My Brothers and Mine. 

     I won an award from the girl scouts and one from the state of Hawaii, both medals of bravery and was nominated for a national award to be given by the president.  I didnt win that one, but in the end I did win cause I had saved the age of 7.

     Guess you could say that Im a hero.  Or maybe not.  Im not too sure.  I do know that I am most likely someones hero at any given point in time, but may be completely oblivious to it.  So tell I your hero?

     I weighed in at 176.6 pounds today, maybe up or maybe down from yesterday.  I walked 2 miles and started a very strict diet.  and stuck to far. 

     I went to work with a cold and was miserable, but now I am in a hot bubble bath enjoying a bubble bath and forgetting about everyting that makes me miserable just melting into this song and pouring out my heart.

Keep reading......

Here are some self shots I took about 4 years ago, Damn, I Look amazing, wouldnt you agree?

Heres something I learned today: The average fashion model weighs 23% less than the average woman.
Here are my thoughts on that: Why?  Since when did Skeletor=Sexy...Just sayin :)

Thank you come again xoxo Zeph

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day one

Theme song for today: "Youth" by Matisyahu

     Today I found myself hung up and my self esteem beaten down by the recent comments I've gotten about my weight, "It's obvious you have put on weight recently.""You're heavier than I thought you would be.".....Wow!

     I weighed myself this morning*official starting weight 176 pounds* I have put on weight, to be exact 18 pounds since January 28th when I weighed in at 158 pounds.

     This is ridiculous, Im 5'3" and based on my BMI I'm considered "obese"...WTF???!!!
     It wasn't always this way, when I was 19 I weighed 115 pounds-immagine that, 61 pounds lighter than I am now.

     So what am I going to do?  I'm going to fix it.  Starting today.  This is not only a Weight Loss Get Fit Blog, it will also be a way that my fans can follow me and see what I have been up to (if interested) since I am the world busiest person (aside from the president).

     Here is a picture I took at Voodoo donuts in Portland Oregon....Keep reading.

     Words of encouragement are appriciated.

Here's what I learned today: It's just under a 5 mile walk from my house to the tanning place that I go to and I can walk there, tan and walk home in about an hour... and that is exactly what I did today.