Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Day Ten

Theme song: "Wide Awake" Katy Perry (TerraBrite Rock Cover)
Heres a link:

Today went by fast, as most tend to do now that Im older....especially with all of the changes going on (School year coming to a close, new work schedule, significant other graduating college after 7 years) WOW, how do I find time to breathe...I know thats what you were thinking.

     Something happened today that got me to thinking about something that happened to me a while ago.  8 years ago I used to deliver pizza for Dominos-most AWESOME job EVER!!  I worked with this girl Emily, now Emily and I got along...heck we even made out a few times, all in fun.  I will never forget the feeling I had when I was around her, she was so sweet...and so broken, sure she carried herself as thought she was fun-loving and carefree, but I could see though it.  I knew some pretty deep things about her and thought we were friends, until one day when a co worker and friend of mine told me that Emily had been saying some pretty vicious things about me behind my back.

     Sure I was hurt, disappointed...appalled.  Seriously Im nothing but nice, sometimes a smart ass....but I'd never do anything to intentionally hurt someone else.  If anyone seeks out to be mean and hurtful to someone else...well then that person is a loser....furthermore anyone that seeks out revenge is a million times worse.

     So what did I do?  I was the same to her, just like I didnt know about her gossiping, backstabbing ways.  On her 21st birthday I collected money from co workers to get her some flowers and some balloons to deliver personally to her other job at Starbucks.  She was so happy, I could see it...could see that she knew someone in her life cared enough to go big on her special day.

     When I made the announcement that I was moving from Hawaii to the mainland she called me and wanted to meet up for breakfast at Kens House of Pancakes (an awesome restaurant if you should ever visit Hilo, Hawaii).  So I met up with her, she sounded like this was super important to her, so I figured I'd better go.   She ended up confessing to me that she wasn't the best person (shocking for a "christian" girl) and that she had said some really bad things about me, then she looked at me in suspense, waiting for what my response would be.  I replied "I know" that's it, and those words brought her to tears...she said, "You knew? And you never treated me any different?" to which I replied "Nope."

     What do we gain by lashing out to those that hurt us? I'll tell you, absolutely nothing, when we fester and stew over stupid shit all we do is give them power, those that hurt us.  So I say to you this, always be yourself, even if no one likes it...always be true to who you are.  I've always been a black sheep, I used to hate it but now I love it, its the bs status that has gotten me to where I am now and I have met some awesome people, done some fantastic things and have grown so much because of it, and I wouldn't go back and change a thing.

Keep reading....

These are some pictures I took in 2010 at Pioneer cemetary here in Salem, Oregon.  A remider to us that life is too short ( in the bottom photo, the deceased was only 1, 5 days short of his second birthday) and that we should let grudges die instantly.

Today I weighed in at 171 pounds, down 5

Heres what I learned today: When you let go of the small stuff you always have good days, you CHOOSE if you will have good or bad days.